VAVRS District Meeting
Wintergreen Rescue Squad hosted the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS) District meeting. Wintergreen Rescue Squad is part of District 1 within the VAVRS. About every seven years the district meeting comes to Wintergreen. Usually at every meeting there are competitions to start the day followed by a meal and awards banquet. These meetings happen every quarter of the year and are an opportunity for the rescue squads in the district to get together and take care of business. Congratulations to the following squads and members on their awards:
New District Life Members: Steve Rohr (Staunton-Augusta Rescue), Steve Southworth (Rockfish Rescue), Greg Payne (Waynesboro First Aid Crew)
EMT Competition: 1st Place - Waynesboro First Aid Crew, 2nd Place - Fairfield Rescue
EVOC Competition: 1st Place - Greg Payne (Waynesboro First Aid Crew), 2nd Place - Jonathan Grant (Fairfield Rescue), 3rd Place - Sean Perry (Waynesboro First Aid Crew)
Man Miles Award: Falling Spring Rescue Squad
Vice Presidents Award: Waynesboro First Aid Crew